The SPY Museum is grateful to the following donors and members who made gifts and pledges of $250 or more during 2024. Their support, along with hundreds of other contributors, makes possible the Museum’s mission to create compelling exhibitions and other learning experiences that shed light on the shadow world of espionage and intelligence, educating and challenging each of us to engage critically with the complex world around us.

$1,000,000 and above

Verstandig Family Foundation



Carahsoft Technology Corp.

Diana Davis Spencer Foundation


AT&T Federal

Booz Allen Hamilton

DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities



Pritzker Military Foundation on behalf of the Pritzker Military Museum & Library

Mark S. Zaid, Esq. 


Gov. Jim Blanchard & Janet Blanchard

General and Mrs. David Petraeus (USA-RET)

Pugzee Farm

Washington Harbour Partners

William H. and Lynda Webster


ACT for Alexandria/The Giving Girls


Bloomberg LP

Jim and Barbara Brady

Paul Chi

Tamara Christian

EKS Group, LLC

Lloyd and Susan Franklin

James and Miki Gomez

Gerald P. Hamilton

Iron-Heart Warriors Foundation

Kisco Senior Living

Robert and Leslie Lacin

The Honorable Mary Beth Long

Vice Admiral Peter V. Neffenger

Plum Run LLC

William Raters

Karen Rice

David Wilson and Frances Dattilo


Alakai Defense Systems



Frank Lacitignola

Katherine Wood


Accenture Security

Jeremy and Robyn Bash

Thomas and Jane Becker

Robert J. Eatinger, Jr.

Geoff and Karyn Flynn Family Fund

Tracy Iseler

Thomas and Michelle Melcher

C. Reade Williams


Ariel Alternatives

Robert and Barb Ashley

Matt Blaze

Paul Bran and Nina Levine

Marcus Canzoneri

Dr. and Mrs. William E. Christian

Lizette Corro

Candace and Charles Cowan

Peter Crew

Sheri Evans

Alonzo Fulgham

Alexandra Grayson

Roe Green

General Michael V. Hayden, Ret. & Mrs. Jeanine Carrier Hayden

Julie and Daniel Kaplan

The Crystal Knotek Fund of Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing

William H. and Georgeann McRaven

William Minor

Jon Monett


Martin Petersen

The Raji-Syman Family Fund

Leslie Rosenbaum and Debra Derickson

Norman and Lorie Roule

Lewis and Kat Shepherd

Theresa and Dan Shykind

Jill Singer

James Stejskal and Wanda Nesbitt

Fleming and Nicole Sullivan

Susan Talalay and Alberto Mora

Damon and Jana Walsh

Tim Weir

Robert and Sara Whitfield

Jon Wiant



AT&T National Security

John T. and Susan Avalos

Reid and Claire Avett

Gary and Mary Baker

Lance Barton

Chariselle Beauperthuy

Allen Bishop

Michael Boucher

Michelle Braxton and Chris Smith

Robert K. Burke

Kingsley Burns and Evin Morrison

Ty and Jill Campbell

Scott Caraher

Kelly Carnes

Michael Clager

Allen Cline

Mary Cochran

Alexander Dean

Alison Dennington

Lalitha Duddey

Martha Duncan

Gretchen Farrow

Clifford and Rhonda Fischer

Amy Fisher


Robert and Tricia Fluharty

Michael C. and Kseniya Galayda

Virginia and Edwin Gambrell

Steve Geimann and Carol Sadler

Keith and Lori Gelinas

Robert and Cynthia Gersony

Mitchell Gerstein

Kendra and Brian Gevry

Jim Goldschmidt

Joshua and Janis Gray

Harold Henderson and Nancy Garcia-Henderson

Christopher Hsu

David and Jackie Hunt

Beverly Kaplan

Doug Keating

Mary and Rod Kraft

Denny Lane and Naoko Aoki

Theodore and Teresa Lange

Sandy Lerner

Alex Leverington

Amad Lewis

Bryan Mabry

Melissa Boyle Mahle

Raphael and Constance Mantion

Ronald A. Marks III and Kathleen Gray

Jean Ann Martin

William Murray

Carol Myers

James Nastus

Kathleen and James Noble

Pamela O’Reilly and Sean O'Reilly

H.M. Padon

Michael Page

PNC Financial Services

David and Renée Priess

Donna Reuss


Paul and Amy Skentzos

Patrick Spann

Special Aerospace Security Services (SASSI)

Roger Stout and Laura Blackwelder

Sabrina Sullivan-Green and Joshua Green

Alex Tabatabai

Rajkumar Thangavelu

Marc Theoret

Eric Ubias and Jamie Maldonado

Nate Van Duzer Family Fund

Vince and Cathy vanderMaarel

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wallace

Pat and Linda Walters

Mayah Wells and Andrew Kolodziejczak

Kenneth and Dorothy Woodcock


Susan Barrows Libby


Andrew Brenner and Genevieve Nestor

Nancy Campbell

Steve Cherenfant

Morgan Collins

Christopher and Donna Costa

Kevin and Laurie Fink

Louise Firestone

Robert Fuller

Rachel Gallagher

Dr. Melvin Gamble

Jamie Goeller

Frank Gundlach

Jonathan Handler

Betsy Jordan

Kathryn Keane

Sophie Keeble

Veronica Laski

Lisa Lavina

Bilyana Lilly

Ellen McCarthy and Gordon Hannah

Caitlin McLain

Jonna Hiestand Mendez

Craig Moore

Viveca Novak

Jack Ondrack

Mark Ong and Rae Cheng

Leah and Ian Rapoport

Barbara Reed

Bonnie Robeson

Diane Rogers

Zach Ruby

Erhan Secilmis

Timothy Shishko

Lise Swain

Ramona Tarkington-Deal

Sloane Thor

Amy Tiner and Rodney Tiner II

Mary Van Scyoc

Richard Vert

Katlin Wood

Judith Yandoh

Zak Zebrowski




Hilton Washington DC National Mall


H. Keith and Karen Melton

Jonathan B. Smith

Spilled Milk Catering


Gifts received above in honor of the following individuals:

Aliza Bran

The Women and Men of the CIA

Keith and Karen Melton

Corey Price

Lucy Stirn

The Honorable William H. Webster


Gifts received above in memory of the following individuals:

Peter Earnest


The Museum has made every effort to ensure that this is an accurate and complete list. Please call 202.654.0961 if you have questions or concerns. Thank You.