Meet the Premium Guides

Premium Tour Guides

Colonel Chris Costa

Tour Guide

Chris Costa is the Executive Director at the International Spy Museum and former Intelligence Officer.

Dexter Ingram

Tour Guide

Dexter is a counterterrorism and counter weapons of mass destruction strategist with over 25 years of experience.

Dr. Andrew Hammond

Tour Guide

Dr. Hammond is the Historian & Curator at the International Spy Museum, Public Policy Fellow at the Wilson Center.

Dr. Vince Houghton

Tour Guide

Dr. Houghton is the Director of the National Cryptologic Museum, and the former Historian & Curator at the International Spy Museum.

Jonna Mendez

Tour Guide

Jonna Mendez is the Former CIA Chief of Disguise, and a International Spy Museum Founding Board Member.

Dr. Mark Stout

Tour Guide

Dr. Stout is the Program Director of MA in Global Security Studies, Johns Hopkins University. He is the founding President of the North American Society for Intelligence History.

Major Mike Susong

Tour Guide

Mike Susong is a former CIA Operations and US Army Special Operations Forces officer.