The Unvanquished

with Patrick K. O’Donnell

Rendezvous Info
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
6:30 PM ET

Away from the major battles of the Civil War, a shadow war raged that was in many ways equally consequential to the conflict’s outcome. Acclaimed military historian Patrick K. O’Donnell contends that this irregular guerilla warfare that altered the course of the Civil War inspired the origins of America’s special forces.

Join O’Donnell as he introduces us to the Jessie Scouts, the focus of his new book THE UNVANQUISHED: The Untold Story of Lincoln’s Special Forces, the Manhunt for Mosby’s Rangers, and the Shadow War That Forged America’s Special Operations. This is the first time the epic story of the Jessie Scouts has been told in its entirety. Best-selling author, O’Donnell will take us inside this contest fought between irregular units— the Scouts hunted John Singleton Mosby’s Confederate Rangers from the middle of 1863 up to the war’s end at Appomattox. With both sides employing pioneering tradecraft, they engaged in dozens of raids and spy missions, often perilously wearing the other’s uniform, risking penalty of death if captured. Clashing violently on horseback, the unconventional units attacked critical supply lines, often capturing or killing high-value targets. O’Donnell will reveal the special operations that could have changed the war’s direction in 1864 mounted by both North and South in an evening that will open your eyes to this little-known chapter of the Civil War.

The Unvanquished will be available for sale and signing after the conversation.

The in-person event will have open seating available on a first-come, first-serve basis.


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