Rogue Agent
with James Crossland
Diplomat, conspirator, intelligence gatherer, propagandist, and charmer, Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart was London’s key agent in Moscow during the first half of the twentieth century, Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart.
Join International Spy Museum Historian and Curator Dr. Andrew Hammond in conversation with Dr. James Crossland, author of Rogue Agent: From Secret Plots to Psychological Warfare: The Untold Story of Robert Bruce Lockhart. Lockhart was an impressive figure who played a vital role in both world wars. He was a man who charmed his way into the confidences of everyone from Leon Trotsky to Anthony Eden. A man whom the influential press baron Lord Beaverbrook claimed, "could well have been prime minister.” And yet Lockhart died almost forgotten and near destitute, a Scottish footnote in the pages of history. Crossland has drawn from years of research into private papers, top secret documents, and the memoirs and diaries of those who knew Lockhart best, as well as the numerous works penned by Lockhart himself, to write the first biography of this unconventional character. The discussion tonight will explore this flawed maverick from his time as Britain’s agent in Moscow and his role in a plot to bring down the communist regime to his leadership in the Political Warfare Executive—a secret body responsible for disinformation and propaganda during World War II. Famed spy Sidney Reilly will also be touched on as the Spy Museum has on view the only physical evidence that links Lockhart and Reilly to their 1918 plot against Russia’s Bolshevik regime!
Rogue Agent will be available for sale and signing after the conversation.
The in-person event will have open seating available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Assistive listening devices will be available for the in-person program.
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